Thursday 15 September 2011

The Hit period of cars....

hi everyone ... atlast this is my first blog.... i have pondered over a thousand times over thousand different things to write... some not interesting.. some not worth sharing... here today.. i decide to write.. on something thats called "Hit period of cars" (name courtesy vijay)

Today after a hectic day at work.. and after two vain trips(this month) at the dermatologist.. i atlast got an appointment.... its like going to visit... Shri Satya Saibaba...
We even had a squabble with the lady who sits out to take aunts been sitting there since 3pm...and our turns not up till 7pm, and then this lady tries to send her favorite gal in before our turn... its a long story.. some other blog.. let me come to the topic..

After the visit to the doc.... it was pretty dark... i was riding on my bike back home on the so called the new nuvem- Arlem-Davorlim four lane.. The new highway never looks new after a rain shower.....
The head light of my ageing bike too is like eyes with cataract... so i was trying hard to maintain the speed and be slow at the same time... did not want to get caught in a rain i stuck to one lane and was on  my own speed... from nowhere a bike with broken silencer which i can hear coming in from far...over takes me .almost brushes me ... pushing me aside... i brake and slow down with a start... curse the guy and move again .... after some time  i hear a car honking... i think " on the four lane, i am driving on the edge and remainder of the road is open.. y r u still honking u idiot????"... and from nowhere Maruti 800 too just brushes my bike  pushing me i move ahead cursing him too.. and same thing happens 2 more times..... i explain my plight to one of my friends and all he says is " Be cautious... its the HEAT period of the cars".....